What is life? To some, life is a market where they buy and sell. To some life is a battle, only interesting in winning. To some, life is fun, only interesting parties. They move from party to party, they have their box in their car and move from Friday to Saturday and all through the weekend. To some like is a
Life is not all about money. I tell people that at times, you lose but do not lose the word. God is the owner of life, you do not own life. It is God that owns your life and gave it to you as a steward. That was the foolishness of the rich fool, they did not tell us his name. Like I said in one of the sessions, if you do not use life the way it ought ot be used, it can be recalled. Whatever we think we have, He gave it to us, whatever we think we own is given to us, we are living a borrowed world!
When I wanted to wed, we are so rich that we are looking for a wedding gown to use. Until when God shows us a place, and my wife saw a place she can rent a gown and dry-clean. When you rent it, what do you do, you have to be very careful when handling it. That is the way our life is, we should handle it with care. I pray we will not disappoint God in Jesus’ name.
Eph 5:16: Make it the most of every opportunity for the days are short. Some opportunities may never come to our way again and when we have an opportunity, we have to use it well. Opportunity to learn, to give, God intentionally gives you that opportunity so that you can use it to bless others.
Family Month
Series on family, couples, and singles and engaged
Possessing The Week
Possessing the week with the G.O is an early hour Monday prayer event and proclamation from the throne of grace